Electric Diffuser

Unité Electric diffuser

Electric Diffuser
Electric Diffuser
$ 34.82 *Prices are exclusive of VAT Public price *Prices are exclusive of VAT
Article codeW-81000
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White colour

Dimension: 3 "x 3" x 4 "

Weight: 2.4 oz

+ 5 refills
White colour
Dimension: 3 "x 3" x 4 "
Weight: 2.4 oz
+ 5 refills
This easy-to-use electric diffuser It is discreet, easy to use and generates enough constant heat to allow a slow and uniform diffusion of the fragrance throughout the room while creating a pleasant atmosphere. It is designed for children and does not need to be supervised at all times, although it should be unplugged when not in use.
How to use: Add 2-3 drops of essential oil to the tampon and insert into the diffuser. Insert the diffuser into the outlet - the little light on the top of the diffuser will let you know it is plugged in properly. After a while you will start to smell the essential oils. The oil pad can be reused until it begins to discolor.
Please Note: This is an aromatherapy accessory that diffuses essential oils into the air. It is not an air freshener that will last beyond the point where the precious volatile molecules of the oils are dispersed (about an hour).


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